Sasha Reid’s Fascination with Serial Killers

She created one of the most comprehensive serial killer databases in the world and interned in a prison. Now the UCalgary student is focused on the intersection of law and psychology.

Videography by Haley Martin

Why are serial killers the way they are? How do they develop? Dr. Sasha Reid, PhD, current student and researcher at the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Law, is finding the answers.

Reid’s fascination with monsters started when she was young and living across from a dark forest. Before long, she realized “monsters” could look a lot like people. Her interest led her to compile an extensive database of unsolved missing persons. Along with a team of 12, she profiles recent and historic serial killers. It’s one of the most comprehensive serial killer databases in the world.

From spending a summer internship in a prison and teaching psychology and sociology at UCalgary, to rerouting her focus into law, the serial killer expert’s path has been anything but straight and narrow.

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