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Beyond Fingerprints and Faces – Who Really Knows Us?

Over the past decade, artificial intelligence and deep learning have advanced the way human identity can be analyzed. But, amidst the marvels of technological advancement and the risks that come with that, we must ask ourselves: How do we keep our identity safe?
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10 Questions with astrophysicist Phil Langill

What can we learn from solar eclipses? Should we be worried that the sun will turn into a black hole? How can we measure how far away a star is from Earth? To infinity and beyond, Dr. Phil Langill digs into the great wonders of the universe.
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Rewiring the Brain: A Stroke Survivor’s Journey to Recovery

After experiencing a life-altering stroke in November 2022, Don Snider was faced with uncertainty and daunting obstacles on his road to recovery. However, through his resilience and the support of the Calgary Stroke Program, he began to regain strength, mobility and hope.
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From Nursing to Volunteering and Back Again

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed an oncology nurse into becoming a major community builder, breaking down barriers to create wider access to food, resources, and health services for vulnerable Calgarians.
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10 Questions with Rajeev Nair on Volcanoes

Hidden within these potentially explosive formations is a lot of information about the history of the earth. It’s also cool to know they can be found deep underwater and way out in space.